DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-161-166
The article considers the problem of interrelation of parent-child relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. Shows the dependence of successful development of the child in a foster family on the level of personal maturity of the adoptive parents and the type of parent-child relationship. Presents the results of diagnostics of childparent relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. It is revealed that empathy, reflexivity and creativity of personal maturity of the parents determines the line and the type of their relationship with children. It is established that the disadvantages of the reflexivity of parents impede the development needs of self-actualization, and emotional responsiveness to the experiences of children, manifestations of creativity. At the same time, the ability of personally mature adoptive parents to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of personal development ensures their need for selfactualization, the choice of effective ways of interacting with children, humane treatment. It is believed that the level of development of personal maturity of parents ensures harmonious interpersonal relationship in foster family, creation of a favorable psychological climate. The authors come to the conclusion that the development of personal maturity of the adoptive parents is one of the factors for improving parent-child relationship in foster care, to avoid secondary orphanhood.
Keywords: parent-child relationship, types of parent-child relationship, personal maturity, secondary orphanhood, foster parents
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 161 — 166
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