DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-173-177
Intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of the legal culture have been analyzed and a contradiction between the need to form these components since the school age and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the education system have been determined. The conclusions are drawn that additional education has certain peculiarities in comparison with other types of formal education and it is determined that it is the system of additional education of children that is the space providing effective formation of schoolchildren as subjects of life activity and contributing to the successful implementation of programs aimed at shaping the legal culture of schoolchildren. The relationship between the high level of legal culture, civil legal relations and their manifestation in the tourist activity is defined. The contradiction between the requirement for a high level of legal culture among participants of legal relations in the sphere of tourist activity and the lack of the system of work aimed at satisfying this requirement and the contradiction between the need to form the components of a legal culture, starting from school age, and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the educational system. The main provisions of the supplementary education program “Legal foundations of tourist activities” developed by the Center for Children and Youth Tourism of the TSPU are described.
Keywords: legal culture, intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of legal culture, formation of legal culture, legal relations, tourist activity, tourism, additional education
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 173 — 177
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