DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-40-44
The article describes the method of working with the linguistic dictionaries of different types in elementary school. The importance of this topic is conditioned by the need to develop verbal-logic thinking of junior schoolchild, which is impossible without a sufficient amount of words - operators of cognitive processes. For this reason, an important place in the new standards for primary education is given to training to work with dictionaries. The authors point to the factors affecting the formation of skills of work with dictionaries, namely: teachers do not form the conditions under which a child should use a dictionary; teachers do not have sufficient preparation for such work; There are no reasonable technologies for working with dictionaries. Meanwhile, the ability to use reference books is a universal educational action, every student should have this ability. The ratio of the dictionary and the information contained in it to the value, knowledge of dictionaries of various types, and how each of them can be considered is a manifestation of this ability. In this regard the authors identify phases of work with dictionaries in primary school, the conditions of effectiveness of this work, describe the set of learning actions with dictionaries. Requirements for modern dictionary for a junior schoolchild include, in particular, quantity limitation, the actual structure of the Glossary, a close connection with the educational-methodical complex used in this class. Special attention is paid to the methods of work with monolingual, spelling and orthoepic dictionaries, which are basic for junior schoolchild.
Keywords: primary school, metasubject results, learning skills, linguistic dictionaries, methods of work with the dictionary, features of dictionaries of different types, dictionaries for primary school children
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 40 — 44
Downloads: 1125