DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-148-154
This article is devoted to the methodological and practical approaches to developing and implementing the electronic portfolios for learners as part of the electronic educational environment for managing the learning process. Based on the modern model of education in the pedagogical university, as well as on the federal state standard, the main sections of the system of the students’ electronic portfolio have been formulated, which describe the main educational, scientific and other achievements of the students. In addition, the functional capabilities of the software implementation of an example of the electronic portfolio, software architecture and the methodological approaches to working with the system have been substantiated. The application of the students’ electronic portfolios allows us to quickly obtain the information about the status of the main parameters of student activities and to stimulate them in different areas of the activities. The electronic portfolio contains the following main categories of users: students, dean’s staff and system administrators. Students contribute the main data array (achievements of different types), and employees of the dean’s office can view a list of students’ portfolios. The created e-portfolio system allowed teachers, TSPU staff and the departments of the university to form a picture of students’ achievements in the different fields of the activities, which is enough completed for analysis and decision making, and on the basis of information stored in the system, to assign scholarships of different levels as well as to calculate rating indicators, and, thus, to indirectly monitor the learning process.
Keywords: electronic portfolio, educational achievements, educational process
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 148 — 154
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