DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-39-44
The article deals with the question of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren in the context of solving the problem of achieving the intended outcomes of primary education in accordance with the requirements of Federal state educational standard of primary general education. In the article the authors draw attention to the shortcomings of the existing model of an individual trajectory of development of junior schoolchildren, and propose a new model where students take the subject position in relation to its educational results. The advantage of the new model is shown and the main stages of work are indicated. The results of approbation of new models of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren are presented. The key principles of the article underlying the productive models are the conditions of work of elementary school teachers with individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren: 1. to make each of the younger school student the protagonist of the construction of the trajectory of his personal development in the educational process of primary school; 2. to give the student an opportunity to evaluate the degree of mastering the subject and metasubject results of development of basic educational programs of primary general education; 3. to integrate the work of younger students with individual trajectories of development in the current curricular and extracurricular activities of the school of the first stage; 4. to organize systematic work of students with individual trajectories of development in academic cooperation; 5. to give younger students a choice of path, means and space for the development and formation of missing skills and ways of action. Productive model of case management was reflected in actual educational practice and can be recommended to solve urgent pedagogical problems of modern elementary school.
Keywords: individual trajectory of development, junior schoolchildren, a model of organization of work, achieving the expected results, the organizational aspect
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 39 — 44
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