DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-45-49
The article deals with the communicative competence of senior pupils in a modern school, the concept and content of communicative competence, generalized psychological features of boys and girls of senior school age are revealed. Researchers recognize that communication with peers is of great importance for older students. Relations with comrades are in the main position in the life of boys and girls, in many respects determine all other aspects of their behavior and activities. Communicative competence has a special significance in human life. This affects the progress, the process of adaptation in the team and society. This also affects the emotional well-being of the individual, which can be seen as a condition for the effectiveness of implementing measures and the effectiveness of resource use in the future. Gender differences in interpersonal communication were revealed. The influence of gender roles on the formation and development of communicative competence is proposed. Experimentally proved that most modern students are not androgynous, this means the absence of purely masculine and feminine qualities. It turned out that regardless of gender type of personality, high school students have an average level of development of communicative competence, in particular: development of communication skills, knowledge of cultural norms.
Keywords: communicative competence, high school students, interpersonal communication, gender differences
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 45 — 49
Downloads: 1334