DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-79-83
The article reveals the role of the professional credibility of the teacher in ensuring quality education, which is determined by the need for constant transformation, firstly, of the situations that make up the pedagogical process; secondly, the personality of the teacher as the organizer of the pedagogical process. Professional credibility of a teacher is defined as a quality, reflecting the complex of personality traits and skills that contribute to support the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in familiar and changing environments. Highlighted the specific features of the professional credibility of the teacher: reliability, timeliness, meaningfulness and correctness of pedagogical action. The formation of professional credibility of a future teacher is proved as a promising requirement for teacher training at university. The component content of higher pedagogical education, responsible for the formation of the professional credibility of the teacher of the future, is presented in the form of regulatory experience, which represents the unity of knowledge, abilities, skills, emotions associated with maintaining the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in a familiar and changing environment. The structure of the situation of the development of the future teacher regulatory experience as a means of formation of professional credibility of a future teacher consists of four components: identifying conflict; accounting for internal potential; correlation of the individual experience of carrying out pedagogical activities with the experience of other participants in the educational process; the manifestation of a subjective position. The technologies of creation of the situations of development of the future teacher’s regulatory experience in the educational process of the university are characterised. The criteria of efficiency of formation of professional credibility of the future teacher in educational process of the university are: changing individuallystylistic peculiarities of self-regulation of pedagogical activity during the period of study at the university; the stability of the contribution of the regulatory action to the maintenance of professional credibility of the teacher in postgraduate period of professionalization.
Keywords: professional reliability of the future teacher, regulatory experience, the situation of mastering the regulatory experience by the future teacher, regulatory actions
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 79 — 83
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