DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-84-90
The article is devoted to a current problem of formation of readiness of future teachers for professional activity. The definition of “professional readiness of future teachers” is given. The authors analytically compare the position with the opinions of other scientists. According to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors identify active, cognitive and motivational components of the future teacher’s readiness for professional work. The authors trace formation of pedagogical subjectivity of students. The characteristics of educational motivation of students of pedagogical higher education institution are compared. Students come to higher education institution with external motivation. The role of innovative teaching methods, stimulating the development of their internal motivation, is emph asized. Justification of the fact that classroom and out-of-class independent work helps to create professional readiness for pedagogical activity is provided. By the time of entering into active practice, students have a lot of methodical materials and ideas, skills of creating educational games, elements of a fund of evaluation tools, useful experience of communication with the audience and desire to test themselves as a teacher in a real educational process in one of the educational organizations. Authors trace formation of students – future professionals in the conditions of real educational process in one of the educational organizations. The research is not only of theoretical, but also of empirical character, a large selection of students demonstrates the reliability of the results.
Keywords: professional activity, teacher, preparation for professional activity, motivation of professional activity
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 84 — 90
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