DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-91-96
The article presents the interim results of the study, the purpose of which is to study the possibilities of using new information and communication technologies in the areas of training implemented in higher educational institutions specializing in training specia lists in the humanitarian field. The relevance of the subject is considered taking into account the need to improve the teaching of the discipl ine “Informatics” using intersubject communications between the fields “Informatics” and “Culturology”. Scientific novelty and significance of the operation. Intermediate results of the conducted researche are carried out, some cultural features of the teaching discipline “Informatics” are analyzed. Some cultural features of teaching discipline “Informatics» to the first year students of the direction of training “Economics” are discussed. With the use of the service the key terms that characterize the structure of the subject areas “Culturology” and “Informatics” are highlighted. The tasks aimed at forming the information culture of students, developed by the teachers and indicated by the author, taking into account the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic aspects of information, are considered. It is advisable to offer the students the assignments aimed at researching expositions of museums of a corresponding orientation for independent implementation. Using materials, developed by the teachers of department of informatics and mathematics, we have developed some information resources for training in the discipline “Informatics”. The statistics of the fulfillment of the tasks by the students consists in the fact that the students have mastered the autumn semester in the 2017/2018 academic year.
Keywords: cultural science, information, interdisciplinary communications, teaching of the discipline “Informatics”
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 91 — 96
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