DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-70-73
In modern society, the social value and role of special libraries that fulfill information, cultural, educational and rehabilitation functions is increasing. The library organizes, stores, and provides users with the Fund, including electronic materials, tactile-audio-visual plan, and other documents intended for the blind and visually impaired. In addition, it provides easy access to information for people with disabilities through the use of adaptive technology and heat engineering funds, provides support for vocational training, socio-cultural, recreational activities of persons with disabilities, promoting their rehabilitation and socialization through books and reading. The article makes an attempt not just to consider the activities and role of special libraries in providing people with various forms of disabilities with free and equal access to information resources and services, but also to determine the model of the development of institutions of this type. The above mentioned aspects of the mission of the special libraries are aimed at providing easy access to library information and cultural services. A model for the development of special libraries has been developed, which is aimed at improving the conditions for creating an independent life of the disabled and the disabled population of the Russian Federation through unhindered access to information and library and socio-cultural resources and services. In addition, the main goals, objectives and content of the vectors of development of these libraries are formulated, which will allow them to become a regional multifunctional cultural and educational complex for people with disabilities.
Keywords: special library, people with disabilities, inva-users, the direction of development, concept, model
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 70 — 73
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