DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-15-19
The discourse research remains the focus of modern linguistic science. The discourse is considered concretization of speech “in different modes of human existence”. The French architectural institutional discourse refers to the object, thematic discourses born at the intersection of the architectural (project-constructive) discourse proper and others discourses, such as scientific, academic, legal (legislative-administrative), newspaper-publicistic. This discourse is an example of polydiscursiveness, communicative intersection of discourses, so the legal discourse (legislative and administrative) is an integral part of the architectural discourse. The legal discourse is one of the most actual discourses of our time. it is oriented at all levels of the society, regulates the legal relationship between the individual and the society, whose interests are enshrined in laws and other regulatory documents of state power. The legal discourse reflects the political, economic, ethno-linguistic, moral and ethical factors of the organization of the state and society. The French legal discourse fully meets these destinations. The article deals with the French legal discourse in the field of architecture and urbanism and its subtypes: legislative and administrative, relating to the written type of discourse, because the issue and publication of laws, regulations and legal documents are carried out exclusively in the written form. In its turn, the legislative and administrative discourse is divided into two sub-discourses: law-making and lawapplying. The language of the legal discourse is one of the most peculiar codes, it is the first element and the building material of law.
Keywords: discourse, legal discourse, subspecies of discourse, legislative, administrative discourse, communicative intersection of discourses, architecture, urbanism, «passportization» of discourse, speech genre
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 15 — 19
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