DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-69-73
The study of the transformation of the mythologeme of the Hero seems to be actual, since, having arisen in the space of a myth, it continues to exist in culture throughout the history of mankind, including modernity. At the same time, the image of the Hero undergoes changes due to the peculiarities of a particular historical epoch in other forms of culture different from myth. Such a transformation occurs with the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy of the classical era. In the transition from myth to tragedy, the Hero mythologeme undergoes significant changes: the hero of tragedy perceives fate as an external force that affects his life. He does not reconcile himself to Fate, and tries to change his destiny with all his might, and even realizing that this is impossible, he makes independent decisions demonstrating that he does not bow before circumstances and is capable of performing heroic deeds. Also, the hero of the tragedy refuses to take for granted the will of the gods and tries to force them to be guided in their actions by categories of morality. The problem of transformation of the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy, considered in this study, will allow us to better understand the changes taking place in the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch. The conclusions obtained by the author can be used in preparing courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece.
Keywords: Ancient Greece, Greek tragedy, mythologeme, Hero
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 69 — 73
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