DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-143-156
The subject of the research is the evacuation of children’s institutions to West Siberian rear area, their receiving and housing, the industry organization and social problems and consequences caused by them. The purpose of the research is to study the problem by identifying the state of work, the mechanisms for implementing the main activities, their scope and results. The research was carried out in accordance with the basic principles of historical science. It shows that the evacuation of children’s institutions, their reception and housing were the focus of the authorities’ attention. The issues were handled personally, taking into account the evolving situation. The paper emphasizes the complexity of the work, its strengths and weaknesses, traces the ways of solving the arising problems. The paper highlights that the preparation for the receiving and housing of the arriving children’s institution was carried out in accordance with the basic legal documents on servicing the child population in their itinerary and at the new places, developed by the State Sanitary Inspectorate of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic. The numerous archival documents show that a large work on the receiving and housing of the evacuated children was carried out in West Siberia. From the document we can see that in the extreme conditions of the severe war the country carried on the state policy of children protection and care, preservation of the gene pool. The considerable experience was accumulated in solving the issues under consideration, much of which can be used in our days.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, orphanage, boarding school, baby house
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 143 — 156
Downloads: 905