DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-189-193
The article considers one of the actual problems of modern school education – the formation of a graphic culture of teachers, which in modern conditions is the process of mastering the graphic language, the skills of operating graphic information and the ability to use graphic culture in different areas of educational activity. Different approaches of scientists and teachers to the problem are analyzed, the main contradictions confirming the formulation of the problem of the formation of graphic culture of schoolchildren are determined. The authors identify one of the ways to form the quality of the student under study – the use of art-technological design as a means of forming graphic culture of students. As the main activity, the project activity is considered as an innovative component that contributes to the accumulation of graphic information and the development of graphic skills of students. The article provides the analysis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus-the concepts of “project”, “design”, “project activity”, “creative activity”, “creative project”. The results of the initial survey actualizing the necessity of forming the studied quality are presented. Discusses the art-technological design, its nature, definition. The use of art technology in the educational space as a means of forming a graphic culture of schoolchildren is focused on expanding the level of cognitive activity, the development of creative abilities and awakening to in-depth study of subjects.
Keywords: learning, technology, graphic culture, and graphic language, art technology, education, information culture, art and technological design of the art technology
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 189 — 193
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