DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-212-217
The issue of formation of the library’s own funds of the educational organization with the use of the method of selection of information resources is considered. The results of studying the training system on the basis of methods and technologies providing a high level of the educational process, research and development, which are one of the main tasks facing the new standards of GEF 3+ are presented. It is quite obvious that for successful management, in addition to traditional methodological approaches, it is advisable to develop solutions for knowledge management of students. A detailed description of the process of creating new knowledge as the main management of an intellectual resource that determines the competitive advantage of an individual is given. The structure of information resources providing scientific and cognitive activity is considered. To create new knowledge, a process is needed that makes hard-to-reach knowledge understandable and accessible to perception. To start such a process, convert explicit, hidden knowledge into explanatory information. Information resources are an important component of the development of information and knowledge capacity. Therefore, the methodology for selecting information data can be used as knowledge management tools. The ways of selection of information resources based on the complex approach on selection of the most important periodicals with the purpose of updating information and knowledge potential are described. The proposed methodology allows to solve an innovative task: from the acquisition of own funds and the formation of its list of priority publications to the accumulation of its own knowledge potential.
Keywords: information-knowledge potential, new knowledge, information support, selection of information resources, the process of creating new knowledge
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 212 — 217
Downloads: 812