DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-218-225
The article deals with the actual and very important question of educator`s professional competence which determines the level of his information culture. Theoretical bases of the problem of educators` information culture formation in any kind of an educational organization are deeply studied and taken into consideration. The characteristics of the concepts of information culture, organizational and methodological support, a model of organizational and methodological support of educators` information culture formation are given. Many examples of studying educators` professional difficulties working with information and communication technologies are presented. A methodology for estimating the level of the use of information and computer technologies is proposed. A model of organizational and methodological support of educators` information culture formation is developed. The composition and the content of organizational and methodological support as a management technology are determined: diagnosticanalytical block; value-semantic block; methodical block: information-methodical module, organizational-methodical module and practical or empirical experienced module; prognostic block. Examples of the implementation of the above mentioned blocks and modules of the developed model are given. Various methodical activities, measures and steps for educators` information culture formation within the presented model are described. The principles, forms and methods of forming the information culture of an educa tor are defined.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, educator`s professional competence, information culture, organizational and methodological support
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 218 — 225
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