DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-43-47
The article deals with the results of a study devoted to medical discourse and its speech genre differentiation in the communicative space of Great Britain, France, Russia (three countries). The medical discourse is one of the oldest discourses, since it is about the main, basic values of a person ‒ his health and life. The humanity strives to increase the duration and improve the quality of life. The Medical discourse refers to the institutional discourse, as it serves a special institution, the social stratum – the medical community. The polydiscursivity is a characteristic of the medical discourse,that is born at the intersection of scientific, academic, legal, advertising, commercial, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical discourse proper, which is the leading discourse in this symphony of discourses. The speech genre palette of the medical discourse is extensive and diverse. The study deals only with the written speech genres of the medical discourse, which have their own characteristics. The written speech genres of the medical discourse are characterized bythe logical alignment, reasonableness, coherence, preparedness, a consistent development of the theme, the selection of linguistic means, the graphical representation on paper and the distance in time. They are visually perceptible and can be reproduced many times. The Russian medical discourse proper, in contrast to the English (British) and French medical discourses, is characterized by the largest number of the written speech genres, which is due to the extralinguistic factors: national, political, socio-cultural, legal, historical.
Keywords: medical discourse, genre, speech genre, speech genre palette, Russian medical discourse, medical discourse proper
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 43 — 47
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