DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-61-65
The author studies the issue of complex word generation based on an integrative speech-thinking model of word production. The model reveals processes of words production on onomasiological, cognitive and word-forming level. The paper presents the results of studying complex words on the material of Novosibirsk city ergonyms with attributive semantics. Ergonyms, being the most actively enriched category of onyms for the recent decades, reflect general trends occurring in the language: use of different structure components in the composition of a complex word; various possibilities of language game: lexical, stylistic and graphic features of neologisms formation. The most significant trend of modern word derivation is agglutinative or analytical nature of compounding process. Special analytical components of a compound word are clipped stems, root affixes, nouns, adjectives, numerals, graphical signs or abbreviations; which can be grouped in different sequences in the compound word. The position of the component expressing the attributive semantics can be initial or final, with the predominance of the initial, that expresses the semantic model “defining component-determined component”. The integrative speech-thinking model of word-production as the basic research method of word production assumes the description of representation structures of different types of knowledge at several levels (onomasiological, cognitive, nominative and derivation) and the choice of corresponding speech forms. When generating a new word the choice of the most essential information occurs at the stage of signifying the predicative form and is realized in the equivalent conventional or non-conventional models of word-production.
Keywords: compound word, word-production model, integrative speech-thinking model of word-production, ergonym, onomasiology, proposition, compounding model
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 61 — 65
Downloads: 743