DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-108-113
In the article the phenomenon of mobility as one of the components of the professional competence of the contemporary teacher is considered. The importance and structure of professional mobility of the teacher is investigated. The level of readiness of the teacher to learn new content of professional activity depends on the ability of the teacher to respond flexibly and quickly to the ever-changing information environment of students. This phenomenon updates professional mobility development of the teachers. The results of scientific research and the functions of professional activity of the teacher fixed by the standard of the teacher are compared. The structural components of professional mobility of distance learning teachers are identified: professional dynamics, intellectual lability, innovation. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional mobility of the distance learning teacher are determined. There has been a research conducted on determining innovative creative aspect of teacher activity, the level of innovative potential, the capability to accept innovations, the difficulties caused by them in working under the changing circumstances. The interview results and diagnostic researches done by the teachers are being analysed. The results of the study of readiness of teaching staff to teach children in the remote mode are provided. The structure of the complex educational program for the formation of the competences of teachers of distance learning is substantiated. Under the circumstances of distance learning such specialists as teachers of Psychology, Pedagogy, methodologists of distance learning organization, IT programmers, managers, web designers, medical staff must be involved into the process of teacher training. Certain conclusions have been made on the correlation of the professional mobility development which is the condition for the teachers effective activity and his or her professional skills, personal qualities such as aspirations for self-education, setting goals, ways of achieving, targets, efficiency, emotional empathy.
Keywords: professional mobility, individual educational route, distance learning, competence of distance learning teacher, teacher’s functions
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 108 — 113
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