DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-136-141
The results of experimental work on approbation of pedagogical support for the formation of readiness of bachelors of management for profession development are considered. The results obtained earlier in the course of the study made it possible to conclude that the first-year students participating in the study who chose the direction of training “Human Resources Management” have low awareness of the specifics, nature and content of the professional work of personnel specialists, orientation and expression of motives, formation of professionally important qualities. This determines the necessity to strengthen the orientation on the formation of personal readiness to master the profession from the first days of study at the university. In this regard, a set of pedagogical means has been developed and implemented, namely: the program of the training course “Introduction to Professional Activitiy”, a training manual and other methodical means. The content of the training course was realized according to a specific algorithm, including the decomposition of learning objectives and related with them planned results of training, selection and structuring of content, determination of methods for assessing the results of course mastering during and at the end of the study according to criteria and indicators for the implementation of relevant diagnostic tasks. This approach made it possible to ensure the structural, substantive and methodological integrity of the course, the relationship with other training courses and, in general, to pay attention to improving the level of readiness of bachelors in management to master professional competencies at the initial stage of training. The results of approbation confirm the hypothesis put forward by us on the need to include this course in the professional training of bachelors of management to ensure its effectiveness.
Keywords: educational process, formation of readiness for the development of the profession, propaedeutic training course, methodological support, evaluation of the results
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 136 — 141
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