DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-160-167
This paper examines the issues of forming a qualitative assessment of educational activities in the system of additional professional education of civil servants. The main principles for assessing the quality of educational activity are revealed. The article states that the scientific understanding of estimating the quality of educational services in the sphere of the additional professional training does not yet meet the real needs in practice. The results of the study, which determines the need for additional professional education for civil servants in management, are presented. The relationship between the need for additional training and personal attitude to the school has been established. The productivity and effectiveness of the organizational and educational conditions required for the effective implementation and developing the quality assessment model for educational activities in the system of additional professional education for state civil employees are determined. The structural and functional model for the quality assessment of educational services with the participation of consumers is suggested. According to this model selfexamination, introspection and external expertise (reflection, research, design of the educational environment) become the leading methods of the assessment. Thus, the position of the teacher changes. The teacher becomes an expert both in relation to his activity and in relation to the activity of the student, who is also placed in the position of an expert regarding his pedagogical activity and achievements in working with students.
Keywords: quality of educational activity, quality assessment, educational needs, consumers, professional competencies, additional professional education, professional retraining, state civil service, motivation
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 160 — 167
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