DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-174-181
Improving the level of mathematical education of people is an actual task, which is set today by the state and is solved by the professional pedagogical community, including teachers of mathematics in higher school. An effective method to solve the main task of increasing mathematical competence and its accompanying tasks of development of general cultural competencies of students is the use of interactive forms of teaching, the essence of which is teaching in dialogue. The article deals with the nature, objectives and principles of interactive methods of teaching. The analysis of scientific works of teachers-researchers showed that teaching of higher mathematics does not use such interactive forms as collective teaching and their corresponding methods. It is collective teaching that allow the teaching process to be both active and interactive in cases, where the content of the teaching material does not even have a professional orientation. For collective teaching you can observe all those characteristics that are inherent to interactive teaching – dialogue, mental activity, ground, freedom of choice, creating a situation of success, reflection. The article deals with the nature, principles and methods of collective teaching. Organizational and methodological support of teaching on various topics using the methods of collective teaching has been developed. The efficiency of collective teaching in higher mathematics using the method of interchange of tasks, designed for the primary study of typical tasks due to the work of students in pairs of shift composition. Particular attention is paid to the description of the organizational and methodological support for conducting classes. A long-term pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the effectiveness of interactive studies in higher mathematics at a technical college in comparison with traditional studies has been conducted. The article describes the stages of the experiment and its results. The results of the experiment were processed using statistical methods and qualitative indicators obtained during the monitoring of the teaching process.
Keywords: interactive forms of teaching, collective teaching, interchange of tasks, higher mathematics, pedagogical experiment, statistical methods
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 174 — 181
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