DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-195-201
The interrelation and interaction of volunteer and educational organizations in the field of vocational education currently remains insufficiently studied. The analysis of the problem shows that in the process of learning students may acquire experience in professional activities in the activities of volunteer organizations if these are professionally adequate communities of practice. This type of volunteer organization can be created by the educational institution in cooperation with the social partners – the municipality, state and private organizations. Students can get professional experience by being involved in volunteer activities, especially if these activities are provided by professionally relevant communities of practice. This type of volunteer organizations can be established by an educational institution in cooperation with social partners. The aim of the research is to study the educational potential of volunteer organizations to provide vocational experience for university and college students during their studies. The paper presents an example of establishing and operating a volunteer organization for students with the aim of widening the curriculum and providing students with an opportunity for getting vocational experience. The anonymous survey method has been used for investigating the influence of students’ involvement in volunteer activities on their professional identity. Changes in students’ motivation levels have been revealed by comparing their academic performance in general educational and in special disciplines. The results of the anonymous survey showed both the positive shift in the professional identity of students participating in the activity of the volunteer organization as well as increased motivation to study vocationally relevant academic disciplines.
Keywords: professional education, practice communities, volunteer organizations, professional tests, professional competencies
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 195 — 201
Downloads: 800