DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-70-76
The aim of the article is to characterize the popular science legal Internet discourse from the viewpoint of the discourse study, the reveal of interstyle nature of popular science legal Internet discourse. The materials for the study are derived from the texts of author legal column ‘The right to know’ published at information portal for 2017–2018. The basis of methodology lies in the descriptive method and the rules of discourse and stylistic analysis. The introduction compares the notions of discourse, text, and functional style; a wide variety of researchers’ studies is reviewed. The popular science legal Internet discourse is analysed as the modern linguistic phenomena. Its characteristic from the viewpoint of discourse study is provided by means of the analysis of functional and effective aspects of institutional discourse. The structure of this discourse is revealed, the detailed description of each element supported by the examples is provided. The communication process between the addresser (the lawyer) and the addressee (entity unaware of law) – the major communicators – is described. The article studies the methods of how the analyzed texts influence the addressee by means of structural elements of the discourse, which, besides communicators, include the code nature, contact, context and topical interpretation. The interstyle nature of popular science legal Internet discourse is stated. For this purpose the interaction between the elements of scientific, official, journalistic and colloquial functional styles of the discourse are described by means of revealing the characteristic features of functional styles. The background of interaction between the functional styles are defined in popular science legal Internet discourse, their correlation and interaction explicated. The following conclusions are made: 1) popular science legal Internet discourse is the particular type of institutional discourse, its identity is conditioned by the particular structure, correlation and meaning of its discourse parameters; 2) the result of the revealed identity of popular science legal Internet discourse is its interstyle nature, since it comprises the features of scientific, official, journalistic and colloquial styles. The theoretical value of the article lies in revealing the structure and stylistic peculiarities of popular science legal Internet discourse. The practical value enables to utilize the article materials and conclusions for academic purposes.
Keywords: discourse, discourse of law, popular scientific legal Internet discourse, functional style, interstitial character
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 70 — 76
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