DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-90-97
The six-year experience of cooperation between university and secondary school is uconsidered. The technique of reflexive reconstruction of interaction of participants of the network educational project is used: students, teachers of historical and philological faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, teachers studying in Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School no. 14 named after A. F. Lebedev, Tomsk. A plot of the reconstruction is based on the idea of the complexity of the project actions. We are talking about the movement from the normative and executive position of the design participants to the semantic one. It is shown that the first position is related to the implementation in practice of interaction of the state order in the field of integrative (inclusive) education. Within the framework of the second position, the participants implement their own initiatives, design, form an educational reality, the content and forms of which correspond to the challenges of the time. Pedagogical activity is carried out on the basis of personal resource of subjects of cooperation. The design of such a plot of the development of joint activities is considered as a manifestation of a special model of interaction between the University and the secondary school, which the authors, after G. N. Prozumentova, called joint production. The described educational precedents, empirical phenomena typical for this model allow us to see its presence in such forms as a master class, a project conference “Our Mental Values”, a joint educational project “Debates”, an international scientific and practical conference “Science and Education”. The content of this model is also shown by the creation of texts of different types by the participants of interaction: projects, articles, methodological developments, final qualifying works (diplomas, master’s theses). The experience of interaction between the University and the school presented in the article can be regarded as a precedent of educational design – the sphere of activity in which the manifestation, development, formation of the subjectivity of its participants in the context of innovative practice. Innovation is manifested in the phenomenon of personal presence of participants of network interaction (in this case-the authors of the article) in the creation of educational reality. The content of activities in the project can be considered as a variant of pedagogical technologization of the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards of the university and secondary school.
Keywords: interaction, network educational project, complexity of project action, joint production, quality of education, co-production
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 90 — 97
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