DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-55-60
Introduction. The article discusses the principles of organizing a dialogue between users of social networks of entertainment radio. Modern convergent forms of media communication are realized at the intersection of discursive macrostructures. In particular, radio functions in social networks of the Internet as a multifactorial phenomenon, depending on the technological and ideological features of media sources, such as radio and the Internet. The innovative nature of the traditional source of information is manifested in the position of the addressee, which is due to the capabilities of the Internet user. The one-way communication method of analog radio acquires the qualities and capabilities of an interactive interaction model, the listener becomes a user, an active subject of discourse, his agent and content generator. Results and discussion. The analyzed material allows us to draw the following conclusions. The method of dialogue depends on the dominant macrostructures, which are either analog radio or social networkcommunication. The indicated macrostructures realize themselves at the level of values and the ideology of network communication. The macrostructure of the radio is explicated in the speech of the communicants in settings on the personal plan of interaction. The macrostructure implements an intersubject model of interaction. The macrostructure of social network communication manifests itself in the psycho-speech mechanisms of affiliation, namely, in the connection of speakers to the speech in order to actualize in public space, realizing a quasi-subject communication model. The second model does not show explicit markers of dialogue, but can be considered from the point of view of successful communication, given the general discursive perspective and the social-network form of organization of communication.
Keywords: entertainment radio, discourse of radio in social networks, dialogical models of communication, context macro-structures
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 55 — 60
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