DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-85-91
Introduction. In modern linguistic science, there has recently been a tendency of typical language-specific study in which euphonia is defined as a typical linguistic characteristic of a literary text. This article discusses the specific properties of words found in fairy tales, and their sound character, which is associated with the phonetic and stylistic features of folklore. The paper comprehensively reviews the functional and rhythmic characteristics of euphony in fairy tales and confirms the specific details of the emotional, artistic and functional impact strategies. The paper is mainly devoted to the study of euphonia in Russian folk tales.And thus, it can confirm the rhythm and melody of the narrative in the development of fairy tales and find that alliteration and resonance are typical expressions of folk tales. As a conventional phonological form, euphony, with a unique study of language style, links authors, fairy tale texts and listeners. This expression of trinity is well shown in the folk tales. Material and methods. The empirical base of the study is 623 titles of Russian folktales collected by A. N. Afanasyev in three volumes. The following research techniques and methods were implemented in the study: a descriptive method, observation and generalization, an interpretative approach; systematization and classification; functional, comparative and statistical analysis. Results and discussion. The results of this work confirm that Russian folk tales are characterized by a diverse euphony as a special and typical repetition of sounds and rhythmic organization, embodying a certain purposeful author’s intention. In the tales of A. N. Afanasyev, the main phonetic expressive means and artistic rhythmic methods are used, the purpose of which is to create euphony – alliteration and assonance. A similar euphony is noted in the beginnings, endings, to represent the development of the plot of the tale. A specific feature of the use of these tools and methods is that they are all closely related, complement, reinforce each other, and effectively contribute to the implementation of the author’s artistic design. Conclusion. Eventually, the author draws the following conclusion that, when using phonetic rhymes, the expressive power in fairy tale, especially the expressiveness at the beginning and ending, can be achieved not only through the use of phonetics and stylistic, but also through the use of rhythmic artistic expression of the author’s descriptions in words, phrases, and paragraphs. The use of alliteration and assonance in Russian folk tales can enhance the imagery and expressiveness of speech, create a favorable sound musical and harmonious effect and allow readers to present the poetic picture of the tale as much as possible.
Keywords: Russian folk tales, euphony, alliteration, resonance
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 85 — 91
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