DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-117-123
Introduction. Modern requirements for professional pedagogical activity are updated, the leading functions of the educational system are described, and normative regulations for the use of the concepts of competence and competence are analyzed. Material and methods. The research material was theoretical and empirical observations on the problem of formation of future teachers. The analysis of current scientific sources allowed us to identify the leading ideas and analyze them taking into account the modern practice of professional pedagogical education. Results and discussion. Professional pedagogical education, focused on the formation of professional competencies, is in a state of development while maintaining the traditions of domestic education as a social practice and social institution. The set of analyzed approaches to defining the concept of professional pedagogical competence of a number of scientists (T. G. Brazhe, A.V. Khutorskaya, S. N. Chistyakova, etc.) allowed updating modern requirements for a teacher. In this context, several analytical and foresight studies were analyzed in order to identify the leading trends in the development of the system of professional training of future teachers. The principles of interdisciplinarity and phenomenological vision of the concept of pedagogical multidimensionality are described from the position of prolonged requirements for professional pedagogical activity, which can contribute to the quality training of the future teacher. Conclusion. A set of requirements to a modern teacher will claim wide knowledge of the subject area of professional activity, sufficient knowledge in related fields of knowledge and possession of competencies that will allow them to remain prolonged in demand in professional terms, possible with a rational combination of both crosscutting principles of the organization of the educational process and principles of formation of personality as a multidimensional professional.
Keywords: professional pedagogical education, professional competences, competences, interdisciplinarity, multidimensionality
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 117 — 123
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