DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-9-18
Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of ways of implementing language variability, represented at the level of phraseological subsystems of the Russian and Chinese languages. The object of the scientific description is the sphere of linguistic semantics, which receives conceptual understanding in connection with its study in the aspect of intercultural and interlanguage communication. The presence of a semantic invariant in the content of Russian and Chinese phraseological units is determined by the existence of general tendencies of sense formation and the action of universal laws of development of any national language. Semantic variants arise due to the peculiarity of national linguistic cultures as a result of the combined action of a number of extralinguistic and linguistic factors. Aim and objectives. The aim of the study is to study the functional manifestations of the theory of variation at the phraseological level of the Russian and Chinese languages in the aspect of comparative linguocultural interpretation. Material and methods. 54 phraseological units operating in modern Russian and Chinese languages, selected because of a continuous selection from lexicographic sources, were used as units of analysis. The main one is the comparative linguoculturological research method. Results and discussion. The starting point of the study was the thesis that phraseological units have not only linguistic, speech, but also linguocultural and linguocognitive status. In the meaning of most Russian phraseological units there is a pronounced national-cultural component of meaning. Taking this factor into account, general (invariant) and private (variative, characteristic for a particular linguistic culture) semantic components in the semantics of phraseological units that make up correlation semantic pairs (equivalent, non-equivalent, incompletely equivalent) are identified. In equivalent paired phraseological units, the core of semantics is the semantic invariant, nonequivalent ones are dominated by variable semantic attributes, incompletely equivalent are transitional types. Conclusion. Comparative linguistic and cultural studies make a significant contribution to the study of various linguistic concepts, including the theory of language variability, semantic interpretation, translation, on the basis of which it is concluded that they are extremely relevant for the modern scientific paradigm.
Keywords: phraseological unit, the Russian language, the Chinese language, comparative linguoculturological analysis, theory of variation, invariant of meaning, variant of meaning, semantic equivalent
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 9 — 18
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