DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-27-35
Introduction. The concept education is one of the most significant in the conceptual sphere of modern society, as evidenced by the unflagging interest in this mental-linguistic universalism both at the level of the national conceptual sphere and at the level of individual discourses and discursive practices. In the online diaspora discourse, the representation of the concept education acquires vivid features, since the analysis of the Internet communication of the representatives of the Russian diaspora in China reflects a special variant of the Russian linguistic culture oriented to the Chinese culture, which is due to the novelty and relevance of this research. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this article is to describe the specifics of representation of the concept education in network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China, based on the analysis of its inolinguistic cultural substrate. Material and methods. More than 10,000 texts of Internet communication of members of the Russian-speaking diaspora community in China, containing the name of the analyzed concept and its other lexical representatives, became the material of the study. In addition to the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology and lexical semantics, the analysis uses techniques of quantitative, contextual and discourse analysis. Results and discussion. As the analysis has shown, among the components of the inolinguistic cultural substrate of the concept education, the following lexical units of Chinese characteristic of the Russian-Chinese language environment are of the greatest interest: лаоши 715 (老师138), вайцзяо 138 (外教 40), сюешен/сюэшен 5 (学生 112), сюэюань 2 (学院 64). Conclusions were made about the ambiguity of the definition of the concept сюэюань due to the ambiguity and multivariance of its translation, leading to disputes about the correctness of the classification of higher education institutions in China; about the exceptionally positive connotation of the xenonym вайцзяо, the ambivalent connotation of the lexemes лаоши and сюэюань, as well as predominantly negative – the lexical unit сю- ешен; the identification of oneself by Russian teachers from лаоши and вайцзяо without the need to translate Chinese equivalents into Russian in connection with full acceptance of this professional role and status as respected and honorable in Chinese society and culture. Conclusion. The network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora in China is distinguished by a certain set of xenonyms that express the concept education. These lexemes are characterized by a special cultural value and relevance, and their analysis indicates a strong influence of the foreign language environment on the perception of information by representatives of the diaspora community, self-identification in accordance with the social and professional statuses adopted in the Chinese tradition, as well as a more expressive expression of emotions and assessments using the foreign word.
Keywords: network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China, concept education, inolinguistic cultural substrate, xenonym
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 27 — 35
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