DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-42-47
Introduction. This work explores the recreational function of Media also recognized as the recreational function, hedonistic function, function of mental regulation, function of emotional release, etc. by various sources. We suppose that modern media mostly pursue hedonistic aspects of broadcasting as the changed structure and new conditions of functioning increased consumer’s component of address activity. Aim and objectives. The aim of this article is to describe the specifics of the entertainment function of the media in the discursive space of convergent radio. The object of research is the discursive practice of convergent radio. Material and methods. The article considers new forms of media communication that are significant in the aspect of those technological and socio-cultural changes that led to the emergence of convergent radio. Based on the material of web pages and social network versions of radio channels, the discursive mechanisms for the implementation of the entertainment function are analyzed. On the basis of the theoretical provisions of discourse analysis and social semiotics, an assumption is made about the hedonistic nature of the entertainment function of convergent radio. Results and discussion. The work investigates the specialty of the hedonistic function of modern radio discourse. Texts from radio websites and social network versions of entertaining radio channels served as material. From the position of modern semiotics and discourse analysis, the main communicative models between the subjects of discourse, which are formed on the borders of hedonistic strategy of radio, are allotted. A big role was played by advertising discourse and PR both integrated into communication practice by strategies of radio which pursue consumer’s ideology of modern media. Conclusion. Thus the interaction of radio discourse, advertising discourse, and PR provides hedonistic effects of (targeted attention) and participation: based on action and semiotic codes the addressee forms a convenient psychoemotional area of their identity – the consumer of high-quality media products, the user of various services that replace social institutions such as libraries, cinemas, hobby clubs, etc.. In this case the interactive user shows the necessary activeness (for discourse practice) in choosing recreational products and engagement in consumption of such.
Keywords: discourse of convergent radio, discursive interactions, communication and action hedonism of radio discourse, consumer’s ideology
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 42 — 47
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