DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-48-56
Introduction. Linguistic pragmatics investigates various problems of the speech behaviour organization, which are connected with the positions of the addressor and the addressee, due to their individual characteristics, type of relationships, type of interaction and communicative situation. Speech units reflect the situation. They include words of courtesy, greeting, farewell and terms of address. Being implemented in the act of communication, different address formulas reflect the components of the speech situation, which materialize in semantic and grammatical structures, as well as in the stylistic connotations of these terms of address. The priority for the study of the speech behaviour is a pragmatic analysis of the phenomenon of “address”, used in different communicative situations. Ethnocultural factors are taken into account. Aim and objectives. The aim of this article is to identify and describe Korean address formulas that function in informal communicative situations. Material and methods. The research material is informal address formulas in the Korean language. Forty language units are selected from texts of the following seven films produced in South Korea: “완벽한 타인” (2018), “연애소 설” (2002), “범죄도시” (2017), “리틀 포레스트” (2018), “행복” (2007), “기억의 밤” (2017), “지금 만나러 갑니 다” (2018). These sources belong to different genres (comedy, drama, melodrama, action, detective) and reproduce all kinds of extra-linguistic reality situations, in particular, relations between people in society, the actions of communicants, conflicts that arise between communicants, etc. When analyzing and translating formulas of address, the bilingual educational dictionary “Korean-Russian educational dictionary of the National Institute of the Korean language” was used. This dictionary was created on the basis of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Korean Language” translated into Russian. To achieve the aim of the study, a corpus of general and private scientific methods was used. General scientific methods include: 1) logic methods – analysis (identifying address formulas that function in situations of informal communication), synthesis (combining address formulas into separate groups according to the pragmatic approach), generalization (establishing the features and functions of various address formulas in the system of the Korean language); 2) statistical methods – a quantitative method (using numerical data and standardized methods for processing the empirical corpus of the research), a grouping method (structural and typological separation of empirical research material according to essential features). Particular scientific (linguistic) methods include a descriptive method (description of the features and basic characteristics of informal formulas of address), a pragmatic analysis (interpretation of the meaning of address formulas from the standpoint of their usage in a speech act). Results and discussion. Address formulas identified in informal Korean speech communication are represented by various communicative units. Affixes, that join Korean formulas of address, express a neutral polite attitude and are actively used in situations of informal communication. The Korean language has a wide range of kinship terms as formulas of address that apply to both relatives and close friends. The second person singular and plural rarely function in speech, because one of the main indicators of communication style is a verb ending. Expressive, stimulating, and perlocutionary functions are enhanced by means of interjections and possessive pronouns. Conclusion. 11 address formulas – proper name, last name + first name, kinship terms, noun (affectionate), metonymy, metaphor, noun (offensive), address to a group of people, address to an unfamiliar addressee, address without naming an interlocutor, the second person singular and plural – were identified in informal communicative situations in the Korean language. In speech, these formulas implement various functions that not only carry out the establishment of contact with the interlocutor, but also transfer the relationship of the addressor to the addressee. The choice of address formulas in various situations of informal communication is due to extralinguistic factors.
Keywords: address, formulas of address, functions of address, informal communication, the Korean language
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 48 — 56
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