DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-57-64
Introduction. This article carries out the analysis of the ways the stylistic convergence is rendered from Russian into English. The phenomenon of convergence has been thoroughly studied neither by the stylistics as far as its speech implementation is concerned, nor by the theory of translation taking into account all the semantic, stylistic and pragmatic information expressed by the author by means of convergence that needs to be rendered in translation. Quite often, scientific research studies the problem of transferring a particular stylistic device rather than their converged group which obviously complicates the translator’s work. The problem thus stated is aimed at revealing the most effective translation strategy for rendering the stylistic convergence in the target text. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to single out and analyze the ways the convergence of stylistic means is rendered from the source language into the target language maintaining its pragmatic function. Material and methods. The material for the study is the novel “Anna Karenina“ by L. Tolstoy and its translation in English by Margaret Wettlin published by Progress Publishers in 1978. The object of the research is convergence of stylistic means, the subject is the ways of its transference from Russian into English. The basis of the methodology lies in the scientific and linguistic methods including the descriptive and comparative ones. Results and discussion. The research has shown that the complete transference of the convergence is rather rare due to the lexical and structural peculiarities of the two languages. Having analyzed 70 text units we have come to the conclusion that 24 % of them are those in which the stylistic convergence is preserved in the target text. The stylistic convergence is rendered by substituting or adding some of its components in 12 % and 17 % of units respectively. The most frequent (47 %) are the cases when some of the converged stylistic means of the source text are omitted in translation. As for the pragmatic functions of the stylistic convergence, they are in most cases retained in the target text enhancing or, on the contrary, weakening the stylistic effect of the original text. Conclusion. The article gives a short historical overview of studying stylistic convergence and covers its main interpretations. The analysis of the research material includes the study of stylistic means that form the stylistic convergence in the literary text, the comparative analysis of the text units containing the stylistic convergence both in the source text and in the target text. We revealed the most frequent ways of rendering the stylistic convergence from Russian into English. In addition, we analyzed the pragmatic functions of the stylistic convergence as well as the ways they can be retained in translation.
Keywords: stylistic convergence, stylistic means, pragmatic functions, translation, the ways of rendering the stylistic convergence
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 57 — 64
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