DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-88-95
Introduction. The structural features of electronic military information texts have been analyzed. The necessity to describe the electronic texts is caused by the transition of communication to the electronic mode, which has had a significant impact on the composition of military information texts. The aim is to describe the compositional features of electronic military information texts. Material and methods. The research methods include compositional analysis, descriptive-analytical and comparative method. The material of the research is military information texts extracted by the random sampling method from the websites (30 texts) and (35 texts). Results and discussion. Distinctive features of the electronic military information texts include multimedia, hypertext, intersemioticity and interactivity. The classification of electronic military-information texts on the basis of the means of communication has been presented. Online and offline electronic texts are distinguished in accordance with this parameter. Several types of hypertext links are used in military information texts: intratextual links containing reference to the materials published on other sites; non-textual auto hypertext links with contact information of the author of the article; non-textual hypertext links which lead to the article on similar subjects. The main types of hypertext links are also defined in terms of their language representation. The dual nature of interactivity as one of the elements of the composition of the electronic military information text was established. On the one hand, it provides the direct interaction between the addresser and the addressee. On the other hand, interactivity is realized through intersemiotic elements (cross-posting), which allow spreading and sharing information on different Internet sites (social networks, forums, e-mail). Hypertext, intersemioticity, interactivity are considered as obligatory characteristics of the electronic military information texts. Multimedia is regarded as an optional characteristic of the electronic military information text, because video fragments as one of the communication blocks of the text are not present in all texts, although a creolized component in the form of a photo is an obligatory part of text composition. A comparative analysis of the communication blocks in electronic texts has been carried out. Electronic military information texts with strict and free composition have been singled out. Conclusion. It has been proved that the obligatory compositional features of the electronic military information text are intertextuality, interactivity and intersemioticity. The results of the peculiarities of compositional analysis show the promising nature of the investigation of pragmastylistic features of electronic military information texts.
Keywords: electronic military information text, composition, hypertext, multimedia, interactivity, intersemioticity
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 88 — 95
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