DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-96-102
Introduction. The article highlights the specifics of the legal discourse in the aspect of its institutional interdependence and space conceptualization of metaphor terminology. The aim of the article is to identify the interrelation between the SPACE (horizontal/vertical) conceptualization of the metaphorical terminology of the Russian legal discourse and the horizontal line classification by branches of law and the vertical hierarchical system of the Russian legislation system. Material and methods. The legal discourse notion and its specificity is considered through the prism of legislative system branch classification accepted in the Russian Federation. The conceptual structure of the legislation system arranged in the form of the horizontal line classification by branches of law and the vertical hierarchical system of conceptual metaphor representation is realized through the terminology of the legal discourse. Results and discussion. Conceptualization in the field of metaphor terminology directly reflects the conceptual structure of the law branch. Although there is a broad variety of grounds for classification typology, the conceptualization of knowledge structures depends directly on the branch of law. Legal branch metaphor terms are constructs of a particular branch of legal discourse, which transfer special concepts of mentality regarding the objects of a particular branch of legal discourse. Conclusion. The analysis of the specifics of the institutional legal discourse reveals the conditionality and interdependence of the knowledge conceptualization within metaphor modeling in the legal terminology. The nominative means for the concepts system transfer are based on the terminology concept system and are determined mainly by the legal context (i.e. legal branch). The content of the knowledge structures in the legal discourse terminology is determined and influenced by the evolution of the legal knowledge within the framework of language and socio-cultural community.
Keywords: legal discourse, space conceptualization, legal term, conceptual metaphor
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 96 — 102
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