DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-114-126
Introduction. The article is devoted to the description of modern electronic resources as tools for toponymic research. Until recently, the use of GIS in geographical name research could not be called widespread. With the development of modern information technologies, toponymic research has acquired new features, characterized by new approaches to the collection and processing of geodata. The purpose of the article is to identify, analyze and describe modern electronic means for collecting and studying toponyms in order to further use such resources in various kinds of research. Material and methods. Toponymic sets have become a central component of GPS navigation systems and online maps, which are now widely used in scientific research. Mass informatization, the development of high-speed Internet, the accessibility of the acquisition and use of laptop computers and mobile devices, and improved computer literacy of the population cover most countries of the world, which is reflected in qualitatively new approaches to studying toponymic vocabulary. Results and discussion. The revolution of digital mapping and mobile applications allows ordinary citizens to contribute to the processing of toponymic material online. With the advent of electronic systems Google Maps, Apple Maps, Yandex.Maps, Bing Maps and the like, toponymic studies have acquired a new character. Any inquiry at the level of microtoponymy has become clearer and more detailed. The author explains the progress in the development of GIS systems, demonstrates how one can use tools such as online toponymic dictionaries, electronic maps, scientometric databases, the GeoNames geographic database and Google translator for conducting toponymic research. The advantages and disadvantages of modern sites and programs focused on research in the field of toponymy are indicated. Conclusions are drawn on the feasibility of attracting technical means to toponymic research in general. The author shows that online scientific discussions on platforms such as ResearchGate and Facebook lead to real interaction between scientists and help to make scientific thought deeper, clearer and brighter. Conclusion. Taking into account all kinds of errors due to the application of the modern technologies described, the author considers it necessary in some places to control in the form of reconciliation of data, for example, on the etymology of geographical names, etc. In general, the tools mentioned in the article are positioned as extremely useful for identifying, describing, studying, comprehensive analysis and systematization of toponymic material.
Keywords: toponymy, research, electronic, dictionary, resource, database, Internet, GIS
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 114 — 126
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