DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-174-180
Introduction. This article is a continuation of a previously begun study of intertextuality in the novel “Stone Maples” by contemporary writer Lena Eltang. In the first part, the subject of analysis was the allusive correlations of the storyline of Sasha Sonley with the motives of the folklore tale of female initiation. In the second part, we turn to the intertextual analysis of the plot line of the central character Luellin and the artistic space of the novel. The purpose of the work – is to identify the semantics and functions of the fairy-tale intertext in Lena Eltang’s modernist novel “Stone Maples”. Material and methods. Intertextual and motivational analysis based on the works of I. Smirnov, M. Gasparov, B. Gasparov, and I. Paperno was applied. Also, the theoretical basis of the research is the works of folklorists and psychologists devoted to the motivational structure of folklore tales about an orphan girl, the plot of initiation (O. M. Freudenberg, E. N. eleonskaya, R. Efimkin, etc.). The research material is Lena Eltang’s novel “Stone Maples”. Results and discussion. Llewellyn’s storyline is also organized in accordance with the fairy-tale story of initiation (disobedience and separation from the father, name change, search for the bride, guessing riddles/passing tests to reunite with the betrothed, going beyond the sea / to the afterlife, returning to the beloved). In addition, the fairy-tale intertext is manifested at the level of artistic space: “Stone Maples” – the house-hotel of the Sonli family is allusively connected with the image of the “petrified”, enchanted Kingdom. This toponymic image is correlated in the novel with allusions to a complex of fairy-tale motifs about an enchanted bride/groom. Conclusion. An analysis of the intertextual level of the novel will allow us to state that for Lena Eltang an important sematic resource for modeling the author’s art world is not only folklore texts themselves, but also scientific studies on folklore. The dialogue-strained semantic relationship with folklore allows us to isolate not the superficial correlation of the novel with a fabulous intertext, but to enter the anthroposophical concept of Eltang: she is interested in the type of personality living in what is happening to him in two changes: profane-everyday and sacred. The collisions of modern man (self-determination, relationship with Others, the search for his second half) repeat the eternal, essentially unchanged subjects of initiation.
Keywords: modernism, literature of Russian emigration, intertext, fairy-tale images and motifs, initiation, Lena Eltang
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 174 — 180
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