DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-25-32
Introduction. This article reconstructs the subjective semantics of the “guilt” lexeme based on the results of associative experiments with young Russian native speakers. Aim and objectives. The aim of this research is to find out what components of meanings are associated with a given lexeme in the language consciousness of a modern young person and which of these components are prevalent. Material and methods. In order to achieve this goal, free associative experiments were conducted among the student audience. The results of these experiments were compared with the data of the Russian Associative Dictionary, which made it possible to trace the changes in the language consciousness over the past few decades in dynamics. Results and discussion. In explanatory dictionaries, guilt is defined solely as a fact of misconduct, crime, or the cause of something unfavorable. However, the analysis of the associative fields obtained as a result of free associative experiments indicates a discrepancy between the lexicographic interpretation of guilt and the complex of meanings that is reflected in the language consciousness of a young Russian native speaker. Much more significant for the recipients is the psychological aspect of the studied semantic area: they define guilt, first of all, as an individual’s feeling, directly related to his conscience and causing a whole range of negative emotions. In addition, guilt is associated with the sphere of social and legal relations, that is the sphere that is regulated by law or other legal norms. Conclusion. Compared to 1980–1990 there have been significant changes in the language consciousness of young Russian native speakers. The number of legal responses to the “guilt” incentive has increased, which may indicate an increase in the level of legal literacy. However, the most significant for the recipients were the emotional and sensory characteristics of guilt, as well as the contexts in which this semantic area enters: both in relations between people and in the moral and moral self-assessment of the individual.
Keywords: Language consciousness, associative experiment, associative field, social and legal relations, guilt
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 25 — 32
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