DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-90-96
Introduction. This paper discusses the features of the use and semantics evaluation of verbs from the microfield “regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities” (one of the microfields that make up the semantic field “binge drinking”). The goal is to analyze the evaluation value of the verbs of the selected microfield. Material and methods. The article is written on the material of the National Corpus of the Russian Language and various explanatory dictionaries. The methods of continuous sampling, contextual and definitional analysis were used. Results and discussion. The evaluative component of the verb «пить» ‘drink’ (the core lexeme of the microfield) can be reconstructed only from the surrounding context, the range of evaluative values of this verb is very wide. The verb “употреблять” ‘use’ and“злоупотреблять” ‘abuse’ have a negative rational assessment (as a rule, these verbs do not have an emotional assessment). The verbs “пить” ‘drink’ and the expression “глушить водку” ‘to hit vodka hard’ have a negative rational and a conflicting emotional assessment (sympathy). Within the selected microfield, a group of verbs of argot origin is distinguished: they are characterized by a common seme ‘excessiveness’ and a similar contextual environment. Another separate group is composed by verbs with the common potential semes ‘animal’ and ‘loss of human appearance’. These semes are often actualized with the surrounding context. Conclusion. The lexical meaning of the verbs of the selected microfield can contain various evaluative components. Some verbs express both rational and emotional judgment. New paradigmatic connections are formed within the microfield and some verbs acquire interesting syntactic features.
Keywords: Russian language, semantic field, binge drinking, alcohol
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 90 — 96
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