DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-135-143
Introduction. Lena Eltang’s novel “Stone Maples” fits into the traditional, since antiquity, interpretation of the androgynous image associated with the idea of “reintegration of opposites” (M. Eliade), the problem of finding the Other to gain the anthropological and ontological completeness and integrity of the individual. The aim is to analyze the semantics of the androgynous motif in L. Eltang’s novel “Stone Maples”. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the work of M. Eliade “Mephistopheles and Androgynes”, the research of I. A. Edoshina, E. S. Turutina, N. A. Kopylova, devoted to the image of androgynes in the literature of the Silver Age and philosophy. Results and discussion. In “Stone Maples”, androgynous motifs are manifested in the conflicts between the central characters of Sasha Sonley and Llewellyn Elderberry, the half-sisters of Sasha and Edna. Androgynous motifs are presented in several versions: homosexual attraction, “intersex disguises”, sacrifice, as well as through specific metaphors of connecting two people into a harmonious whole “author-reader”, “hotel hostess-guest”. Finding love, which provides the anthropological and ontological completeness of being, is fraught with difficulties (motives for passing tests, solving riddles, choosing a betrothed). L. Eltang fundamentally distances hirself from the bodily semantics of the androgynous motif, actualizing its symbolic meaning: unity with the second half is interpreted as a meeting of the author with his reader, who is ready to become a co-author. Conclusion. Androgynous motifs reveal the themes of love and creativity in the novel. Only the acquisition of the Other gives the fullness and meaning of existence.
Keywords: Lena Eltang, modernism, literature of Russian emigration, motif, androgyne
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 135 — 143
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