DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-19-30
Introduction. The article is devoted to the historical study of theatre pedagogy methodological aspects as one of the directions in the system of education and upbringing. The purpose of the research is to trace the formation path of the theatre pedagogical methods in their connection to the specific periods in the history of the pedagogical knowledge development and assess the formation of its own methodology as a step towards defining it as an independent branch of pedagogical science. Material and methods. The methodological basis is shown by systemic, historical, pedagogical, cultural, methodological, and personal-activity approaches. Among the research methods are presented: the analysis of domestic and foreign researches of theatre pedagogy; methods of comparative and contrastive analysis, which make it possible to highlight the peculiarities of theatre pedagogy and its methodology formation at different historical stages; generalization and systematization of information. Results and discussion. The research results are identified by historical patterns of theatre pedagogy methodological base development, which formation began during Primitive era continuing until the methodology was born in the modern history. The article also presents an analysis of theatre pedagogy development at the current stage; provides examples of methods that form the methodological core of theatrical pedagogy today; indicates their connection to the past techniques, with explaining the reasons for their transformation and improvement; describes the ways of their application in practice to achieve and implement the modern education strategies. Conclusion. Studying the latest theatre pedagogical methods, rethinking the scientific experience of previous generations in this research field, as well as analyzing the expanding process of the theatre pedagogical domestic methods interaction with each other and with foreign developments, the author comes to the conclusion: theatre pedagogy is consistently moving to become an independent science from a private field of pedagogical knowledge, having its own goals, objectives, terminological apparatus, and built methodology.
Keywords: methodology, methodological base, approaches, principles, methods, and techniques of education and training, theatre pedagogy
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 19 — 30
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