DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-50-57
Introduction. In order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, learning should be deliberate. The introduction of the model of tutor support into the educational process will solve the problem: to teach to learn. The learner becomes independent, with the correct attitude in life and the skill of self-organization. The tutor plays the role of a consultant, teacher, psychologist, coordinator. Aim and objectives. To substantiate the effectiveness of using the model of tutor support for students in the educational process of the secondary vocational education system. Material and methods. The article uses the data of the selective federal statistical observation of the employment of graduates who have received secondary vocational and higher education. A survey of students, graduating groups of the institution of secondary vocational education. Theoretical research methods were used; empirical methods: analysis and conversation. Results and discussion. The modern world is an environment of global instability and dynamic changes in all spheres. Therefore, potential employers highly value not only the professional qualities of their employees, but also social and psychological qualities (Softskills): communication, leadership, team, entrepreneurial skills. Employers note the lack of Softskills competencies among graduates of educational institutions: weak motivation and inconsistency of personal qualities (self-organization, motivation, initiative, responsibility, desire to learn) Among the most significant characteristics, graduates of the secondary vocational education system named: motivation; experience; general impression; professional competencies; ability to learn; IT-competence. According to the results of introspection, they also tended to give a low assessment of their level of development. And they expressed an opinion about the need to pay more attention to the development of personal competencies in the learning process; skills that will allow them to be competitive in the labor market, such as communication skills, personality marketing, time management, etc. In order to solve the basic problem of secondary vocational education: the intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and the training of qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activity in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. The feasibility of introducing tutor support into the educational process is considered. The tutor plays the role of a consultant, teacher, psychologist, coordinator. On the basis of individual educational routes, the tutor achieves the formation of a harmonious, socially responsible personality of the student, focused on self-development and self-realization. In the model of tutor support, training is built taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, which allows him to maximize his potential. Conclusion. The model of tutor support should be considered one of the most promising. First, a tutor is a psychologist who helps a student to understand his inner problems, motives, desires, abilities; understand resources and limitations. Achieve a balance of desires and possibilities. Secondly, a tutor as a teacher teaches (forms the ability) independence: to set goals and objectives; identify opportunities and resources; develops the ability to act and the willingness to take responsibility for the decisions made. The third most important component: a tutor is an educator who builds the correct attitude to the world around him and himself; preservation of national identity, respect for the native language, culture and patriotism. The fourth vector of a tutor’s work is career guidance work. The development and movement along an individual learning path requires the tutor to be competent in the field of professional training of his ward.
Keywords: Softskills – over-professional competencies, graduate competitiveness in the labor market, tutor, tutor support, psychological and pedagogical support, educational function, individual educational route, student motivation
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 50 — 57
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