DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-69-76
Introduction. The purpose of this research is to analyze the educational practices of foreign private universities of human capital’s formation. With the main focus on such countries as Great Britain, Germany, China, India, Singapore and the United States, a comparative analysis and key features of educational practices of the world’s leading private universities of human capital’s formation are presented. Material and methods. The research material was English-language sources, official websites of the world’s leading private universities: University of Massachusetts, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania (USA), Jacobs University of Bremen and Zeppelin University (Germany), National University of Singapore (NUS), etc. Analysis of leading private universities’ educational practices, which made it possible to reveal and substantiate the educational practices’ key characteristics in human capital formation. Results and discussion. The educational practices’ key characteristics of the world’s leading universities as a tool for realizing human capital are the following: – autonomy of a private university, characterized by its own independent design of the university management’s strategy and policy and educational process – knowledge interdisciplinary synthesis based on the various scientific research’s integration and the widespread use of modern educational technologies. Creation of interdisciplinary institutes and multi-university programs; – high concentration of talents of all educational process’ subjects, where the main factor in the human capital formation in a private university is the privilege of selective selection of students with high academic performance, attracting famous scientists to research; – universities network interaction with the industrial sphere in the light of personnel training. The main form of networking is the corporate universities creation; – universities consortium, which is a single university that forms a unified brand with a centralized structure; – effective fundraising system that ensures the productive human capital formation. The main source is income from own scientific and practical developments carried out on a contractual basis by public and private firms; – research reputation. Advanced scientific and practical developments, characterized by productivity. Research developments directly depend on the universities autonomy, the greater of a university`s autonomy, the freer it is in choosing research areas. Conclusion. The modern education system acts as an integrator of the interests of the individual and society, predetermining the development of mankind for many years to come. The experience of a foreign private higher school shows that educational practices are an effective mechanism in the formation of human capital. The human capital acquired in the process of learning changes the quality of a person’s life, has a direct impact on his intellectual, creative and cultural level.
Keywords: educational practices, human capital formation, private university
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 69 — 76
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