DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-86-95
Introduction. The Russian scientific community is faced with the task of integrating domestic research into the global publication space. Today in Russia the culture of using foreign databases is at the stage of formation, while abroad it is at a fairly high level. With the expansion of the globalization of socio-economic processes, possession of over-professional skills in working with the Web of Science and Scopus databases becomes a necessary condition for Russian science to enter the world scientific space. Therefore, an integral part of the system of measures aimed at improving the indicators of Russian science in international citation indices should be training activities for working with foreign information resources. One of the important educational problems is the lack of training of young researchers to work with foreign databases. Consequently, in the context of globalization and digitalization, specially organized educational support for young researchers in working with foreign information resources is needed. The support of researchers should be aimed at the formation of over-professional skills in working with Web of Science, Scopus and their analytical tools, the formation of “scientometric literacy”. The aim is to substantiate the effectiveness of the model of organizational and methodological support for the entry of young researchers into the global publication space. Material and methods. Theoretical – abstraction, analysis, specification, generalization; empirical – included observation, questionnaire, survey, reflective interview, experiment, focus group. Results and discussion. The structure of competencies of young researchers for working with foreign databases Scopus, Web of Science and the analytical tool SciVal has been developed, including motivational, cognitive, behavioral and reflective-evaluative components. A model of organizational and methodological support for the entry of young researchers into the global publication space was created to form these competencies. The proposed model of support was tested in Tomsk Polytechnic University. Conclusion. The diagnostic results showed that the model of organizational and methodological support for the entry of young researchers into the global publication space contributes to the formation of over-professional skills of working with foreign databases and their analytical tools, the formation of “scientometric literacy” of students, graduate students and young scientists.
Keywords: Scopus, Web of Science, publication activity, young researchers, global publication space
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 86 — 95
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