DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-168-187
Abstract Introduction. The study is devoted to the historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of gamification. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient level of substantiation of both the concept itself and its content, the features of the application of the leading ideas of this theory in education. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the features of the formation of the leading provisions of the theory of gamification in Russian pedagogical science (1992–2021). Material and methods. Methodological guidelines at various stages of the research were the main provisions of the dialectical approach, the systematic approach in historical and pedagogical research. The theoretical study was carried out on a set of publications of the scientific electronic library (, published in 1992–2021. Research methods – theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem under study; logical-historical and systemic Results and discussion. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that gamification is a modern pedagogical category “describing the use of approaches in teaching, characteristic of computer games”, whose use provides motivation for participants in the educational process in the ecosystem of an educational organization, contributes to their optimal interaction, personal and professional development by means of special game methods. The formation of the theory of gamification in education in Russia was carried out within a number of stages. At the first stage of the development of the theory of gamification “Formation of ideas about gamification in Russian pedagogical science” (2010–2015), first of all, the scattered data on the origin of the phenomenon itself were generalized and formalized, the theoretical prerequisites for its occurrence were described, attempts were made to substantiate the concept and features of the phenomenon gamification, presents some materials on the process of gamification and its specific application in various areas of human life, including education. At the second stage, “Formation of the leading areas of study of the phenomenon of gamification in Russia” (2016–2019), certain leading methodological and theoretical foundations were identified, the foundation was laid for substantiating the concepts of organizing the educational process using elements of gamification in higher education, the tasks of gamification for organizations were formulated general and additional education of children. The third stage “Formation and systematization of the leading ideas of the theory of gamification” (2020 to date) is characterized by the quantitative accumulation of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon, the formation of its elements at the theoretical and methodological level, and the creation of elements of a modern technological product. Conclusion. At present, a new stage is entering in the formation of this phenomenon, which allows at a qualitatively new level to substantiate the content of gamification as a modern educational technology, which makes it possible to organize a networked educational process in online and offline modes at a fundamentally new level.
Keywords: gamification, digitalization of Russian education, features, stages of formation
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75. Lipatova S. D., Khokholeva E. A. Geymifikatsiya kak pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya aktivizatsii uchebnoy motivatsii studentov vuza [Gamification as a pedagogical technology for enhancing educational motivation of university students]. Professional’noye obrazovaniye v Rossii i za rubezhom – Professional Education in Russia and Abroad, 2020, no. 1 (37), pp. 44–51 (in Russian).
76. Belonogova L. N., Sokolov A. M., Bogatova S. V. Reznichenko R. O., Karsheva K. O., Baranov V. V., Savel’yev M. V. Geymifikatsiya v distantsionnom obuchenii [Gamification in distance learning]. In: Prioritetnyye napravleniya razvitiya sporta, turizma, obrazovaniya i nauki: sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Priority areas for the development of sports, tourism, education and science. collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference]. Nizhniy Novgorod, 2021. Pp. 697–700 (in Russian).
77. Vakhabova M. H., Shabazov I. M. Geymifikatsiya kak instrument innovatsionnogo obucheniya [Gamification as a tool for innovative learning]. Moda i dizayn: istoricheskiy opyt – novyye tekhnologii. Materialy Regional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Fashion and design: historical experience – new technologies. Materials of the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference]. Makhachkala, 2020. Pp. 131–139 (in Russian).
78. Kornil’tseva E. G. Igrovyye tekhnologii v onlayn-obuchenii [Game technologies in online learning]. In: Obrazovaniye i nauka: sovremennyy vektor razvitiya. Materialy Natsional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Education and science: modern vector of development. Materials of the National Scientific and Practical Conference]. Kerch, 2021. Pp. 130–134 (in Russian).
79. Falina N. N. Smyslovoye chteniye v tsifrovom prostranstve: novyye formy i sposoby formirovaniya navykov smyslovogo chteniya [Semantic reading in digital space: new forms and ways of forming semantic reading skills]. Sovremennoye obrazovaniye: aktual’nyye voprosy i innovatsii, 2021, no. 1, pp. 196–201 (in Russian).
80. Isupova N. I. Perevernutyy klass i geymifikatsiya kak aktual’nyye formy organizatsii distantsionnogo obucheniya [Flip class and gamification as topical forms of organizing distance learning]. Evraziyskoye Nauchnoye Ob’’yedineniye – Eurasion Scientific Association, 2021, no. 1–7 (71), pp. 527–530 (in Russian).
81. Nikanova T. Yu. Geymifikatsiya kak metod obucheniya detey pokoleniya Z v usloviyakh VUKA-MIRA [Gamification as a method of teaching children of generation Z in the VUKA-WORLD]. In: Teoriya i praktika primeneniya geymifikatsii v proforiyentatsii i professional’nogo samoopredeleniya detey raznykh vozrastnykh grupp na raznykh etapakh obrazovaniya. Sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara [Theory and practice of using gamification in career guidance and professional self-determination of children of different age groups at different stages of education. Collection of materials of the scientific and practical seminar]. Cherepovets, 2020. Pp. 69–75 (in Russian).
82. Shelamova A. A., Ol’ga A. K. Geymifikatsiya v sisteme shkol’nogo istoricheskogo obrazovaniya: opyt i sovremennaya praktika [Gamification in the system of school history education: experience and modern practice]. Nauchnyy elektronnyy zhurnal “Meridian“, 2021, no. 6 (59), pp. 12–14 (in Russian).
83. Mishina A. S. Voprosy vklyucheniya elementov geymifikatsii v nachal’noye obshcheye obrazovaniye [Issues of including elements of gamification in primary general education]. In: Aktual’nyye problemy metodiki obucheniya informatike i matematike v sovremennoy shkole: materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy internet-konferentsii. Moskovskiy pedagogicheskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet [Actual problems of teaching methods in computer science and mathematics in modern school. materials of the international scientific and practical Internet conference. Moscow State Pedagogical University]. Moscow, 2020. Pp. 534–536 (in Russian).
84. Zavgorodnyaya K. N., Shtokman D. A., Zul’karneyev I. R. Razrabotka uchebno-metodicheskogo posobiya po informatsionnoy bezopasnosti dlya uchashchihsya 10–11-kh klassov [Development of a training manual on information security for students in grades 10–11]. In: Matematicheskoye i informatsionnoye modelirovaniye. Materialy Vserossiyskoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh [Mathematical and information modeling. Materials of the All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists]. Tyumen, 2020. Pp. 404–409 (in Russian).
85. Chagin S. S. Geymifikatsiya professional’nogo obrazovaniya: stoit li igra svech? [Gamification of vocational education: is the game worth the candle?]. Professional’noye obrazovaniye i rynok truda, 2021, no. 1 (44), pp. 26–35 (in Russian).
86. Bakulina N. A., Maksimova K. A. Geymifikatsiya v professional’nom obrazovanii [Gamification in vocational education]. In: Innovatsionnyye podkhody k resheniyu professional’no-pedagogicheskikh problem. Sbornik statey po materialam V Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Innovative approaches to solving professional pedagogical problems. Collection of articles based on the materials of the V All-Russian scientific-practical conference]. Nizhniy Novgorod, Minin University Publ., 2020. Pp. 8–10 (in Russian).
87. Tropnikova V. V. Primeneniye tekhnologiy geymifikatsii v obrazovatel’nom protsesse v sisteme srednego professional’nogo obrazovaniya [Application of gamification technologies in the educational process in the system of secondary vocational education]. Nauchno-metodicheskiye elektronnyy zhurnal “Kontsept”, 2021, no. 3, pp. 86–96 (in Russian).
88. Guzikova V. V. Vklyucheniye elementov geymifikatsii v protsess obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku [Inclusion of elements of gamification in the process of teaching a foreign language]. Nauchnyy daydzhest Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii, 2021, no. 1 (11), pp. 156–162 (in Russian).
89. Sobashko Yu. A., Katerzhina S. F., El’kova A. D. Ispol’zovaniye geymifikatsii v vysshem obrazovanii (na primere matematicheskih disciplin) [The use of gamification in higher education (by the example of mathematical disciplines)]. Innovatsionnaya traektoriya razvitiya sovremennoy nauki: stanovleniye, razvitiye, prognozy: sbornik statey Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Innovative trajectory of development of modern science: formation, development, forecasts. Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference]. 2020. Pp. 110–113 (in Russian).
90. Kurganova E. B. Geymifikatsiya kak metod onlayn-obucheniya studentov-magistrantov [Gamification as a method of online education for undergraduate students]. Vektory razvitiya magistratury budushchego v usloviyakh global’nykh vyzovov. Sbornik statey uchastnikov Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Vectors of future development of the magistracy in the context of global challenges. Collection of articles of the participants of the International Conference]. Nizhniy Novgorod, 2020. Pp. 47–51 (in Russian).
91. Dvoryatkina S. N., Shcherbatykh S. V., Lopukhin A. M. Geymifikatsiya matematicheskogo obrazovaniya kak faktor razvitiya veroyatnostnogo stilya myshleniya [Gamification of mathematical education as a factor in the development of a probabilistic style of thinking]. Fundamental’nyye problemy obucheniya matematike, informatike i informatizatsii obrazovaniya. Sbornik tezisov dokladov mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 180-letiyu pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v g. El’tse [Fundamental Problems of Teaching Mathematics, Informatics and Informatization of Education. Collection of abstracts of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of pedagogical education in Yelets]. Elets, 2020. Pp. 63–65 (in Russian).
92. Pravdyuk A. I., Dogadina M. A. Gumanitarizatsiya i geymifikatsiya obrazovaniya kak osnova formirovaniya professional’noy kul’tury lichnosti [Humanitarization and gamification of education as the basis for the formation of a professional culture of an individual]. In: Dostizheniya i perspektivy nauchno-innovatsionnogo razvitiya APK. Materialy Vserossiyskoy (natsional’noy) nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Achievements and prospects of scientific and innovative development of aic. Materials of the All-Russian (national) scientific-practical conference with international participation]. Kurgan, 2020. Pp. 655–658 (in Russian).
93. Andreyev S. E., Deribo K. D. Rol’ geymifikatsii v razvitii vysshego obrazovaniya [The role of gamification in the development of higher education]. In: Nauka. Informatizatsiya. Tekhnologii. Obrazovaniye. Materialy XIII mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Science. Informatization. Technologies. Education. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Moscow, 2020. Pp. 216–221 (in Russian).
94. Andreyev S. E., Deribo K. D. Geymifikatsiya matematicheskogo obrazovaniya kak faktor razvitiya veroyatnostnogo stilya myshleniya [Gamification of mathematics education as a factor in the development of a probabilistic style of thinking]. In: Fundamental’nye problemy obucheniya matematike, informatike i informatizatsii obrazovaniya. Sbornik tezisov dokladov mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 180-letiyu pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v g. El’tse [Fundamental Problems of Teaching Mathematics, Informatics and Informatization of Education. Collection of abstracts of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of pedagogical education in Yelets]. Elets, 2020. Pp. 216–221 (in Russian).
95. Poddubnaya Ya. N., Kotov K. S., Slukina A. A. Paradigma razvitiya geyminga v obrazovatel’noy sisteme vuza: istoriya i perspektivy [He paradigm of the development of gaming in the educational system of the university: history and prospects]. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel’skiy zhurnal, 2021, no. 9–3 (111), pp. 53–58 (in Russian).
96. Trunova E. A. Sistemnyy i strukturno-funktsional’nyy podkhody k izucheniyu geymifikatsii v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya [Systemic and structural-functional approaches to the study of gamification in the system of higher education]. In: Molodyozhnyy vektor ekonomicheskikh i pravovykh issledovaniy rossiyskogo obshchestva v usloviyakh pandemii. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam XV Festivalya nauki [Youth vector of economic and legal research of Russian society in a pandemic. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the XV Festival of Science]. Kazan, 2021. Pp. 31–35 (in Russian).
97. Fontalova N. S., Artamonova V. V. Primeneniye metodov geymifikatsii v obrazovatel’nom prostranstve vuza [Application of gamification methods in the educational space of the university]. Global and Regional Research, 2020, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 517–522 (in Russian).
98. Shilova I. V. Geymifikatsiya v universitetskom obrazovanii: sravnitel’nyy analiz praktik [Gamification in University Education: A Comparative Analysis of Practices]. In: Osnovnyye voprosy pedagogiki, psikhologii, lingvistiki i metodiki prepodavaniya v obrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniyakh. Sbornik statey VII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Basic Issues of Pedagogy, Psychology, Linguistics and Teaching Methods in Educational Institutions. Collection of articles of the VII All-Russian scientific-practical conference]. Astrakhan, 2020. Pp. 124–128 (in Russian).
99. Gusev I. E. Geymifikatsiya kak instrument sovershenstvovaniya professional’noy deyatel’nosti pedagoga v tsifrovom obshchestve (obzor publikatsiy) [Gamification as a tool for improving the professional activity of a teacher in a digital society (review of publications)]. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2020, no. 68-1, pp. 86–91 (in Russian).
Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 168 — 187
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