DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-67-74
Introduction. The article is devoted to military collocations as a variety of terminological collocations limited to the sphere of military and military political discourse. The combinatorial semantic analysis of collocations with the component hybrid, extracted from military political texts published on the official website of NATO has been carried out in the article. The research novelty of the paper is in describing of variety of terminological collocations, in particular military collocations. The aim is to carry out combinatorial semantic analysis of collocations with the component hybrid in the English military political discourse. Material and methods. The main methods of the research are combinatorial semantic analysis, continuous sampling method, as well as frequency analysis. The material of the research was texts of speeches of NATO Secretary General (74 contexts), dictionaries of collocations and English explanatory dictionaries. Results of discussion. Based on the analysis of theoretical material on the nature of terminological collocations, military collocations as one of the subtypes of terminological collocations functioning in military political discourse have been identified and described. Depending on the presence or absence of a term in the collocation, two subtypes of military collocations have been distinguished: military terminological collocations and military collocations of terms. The main difference between military terminological collocations and military collocations of terms is that in military collocations of terms both the node and the collocation is the term. Military collocations of terms have a rich combinatorial potential and can be considered as polythematic units of language, because the node and collocate are a combination of different thematic areas (military and biosphere) in such collocations. The combinatorial potential of military terminological collocations with the component hybrid is limited by the context in case the node does not belong to the military sphere. Conclusion. As a result it is argued that the formation of military collocations of terms with the component hybrid is based on iterative sema while military terminological collocations are formed on the basis of a common classeme. The research perspectives is in identification of occasional military collocations in military publicistic texts and the analysis of combinatorial mechanisms in collocations of this kind. The obtained results can be used in compiling dictionaries of collocations in the military and military political sphere.
Keywords: military collocation, military terminological collocation, military collocation of terms, military political discourse, combinatorial semantic analysis
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 67 — 74
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