DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-142-150
Introduction. In the analyzed cycle, L. Goralik actualizes complex problems of modern children’s literature, among which the following can be distinguished: the problem of the relationship of generations (“fathers and children”), the attitude to death, the understanding of one’s own identity, ways of knowing the surrounding world. The purpose of the work is to characterize the system of characters in L. Goralik’s cycle about Venisan. Material and methods. The works of Russian structuralists, folklorists, and mythologists were used in the work. Results and discussion. The cycle about Venisan presents a rather complex and diverse system of characters, among which one can distinguish heroes-helpers, pests, mythological characters. Pests, like assistants, serve the purpose of plot development, helping the main character to go beyond the usual existence. Mythological characters contribute to the development of the inner world of the heroine, i.e. they largely determine the inner plot of the main character’s growing up. Conclusion. The cycle about Venisan can be attributed to the fantasy tradition, however, attention to the complex inner world of a child trying to survive in a terrible world complicates the problems of the work. L. Goralik uses mythological images to create the inner world of a girl who intuitively tries to figure out the ontological problems of life and death, the meaning of her existence. If in fantasy literature for this purpose there were heroes-helpers (sages) who give answers to difficult questions, then Agatha finds herself face to face with a hostile and complex world order in which communication with adults only complicates the situation: adults demand help (mother), make them suffer (father), threaten life (smugglers, “merry men”, etc.).In an unhealthy and hostile atmosphere, children try to come up with their own explanation of what is happening (rumors, scary stories), learn to mimic (invent a secret language). Agatha, unlike most children, develops the ability to intuitively comprehend the truth about the world through mythological images that appear to her in dreams, memories, sensations.
Keywords: Linor Goralik, children’s literature, teenage literature, fantasy, “Cold Water of Venisany”, character system
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 142 — 150
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