The bachelor’s training curriculum formation according to the Higher Pedagogical Education Core requirements
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-25-33
Introduction. The article analyzes the positive and negative changes that the system of the higher pedagogical education in Russia has accumulated since joining the Bologna Process. The author lists the main problems faced by the higher education system in connection with the adoption of the European Higher Education Area norms of legislative regulation. The article shows the need of taking into account the methodological recommendations for the future teachers training in pedagogical bachelor’s programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content. The author describes the requirements’ content characteristics of the Higher Pedagogical Education Core while formation of training curriculum creating at the two-profile pedagogical bachelor’s degree level. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study is to develop and present a sample of training curriculum program for the «Foreign Language» discipline for the first and second year students of a two-profile pedagogical bachelor’s degree according to the requirements of the Higher Pedagogical Education Core. Material and methods. The educational program is compiled on the basis of unified approaches proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to its structure and content. The training curriculum program consists of basic lexical and grammar topics that are correlated with the given assessment tools. For each theme, the author suggests aspects for discussion, as well as typical situations for oral and written speech communication. Results and discussion: the given training curriculum program can be used while teaching bachelor students (with two training profiles) at all pedagogical universities in Russia, as it fully complies with the requirements of the Core of higher pedagogical education. It can be supplemented and expanded by the credits increase within the limits of the allowed universities academic freedom.
Keywords: the core of higher pedagogical education, training curriculum of the discipline, foreign language
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 25 — 33
Downloads: 335