Technology of formation of the value attitude of adolescents to health by means of pedagogical stimulation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-44-53
The relevance of the formation of the value attitude of adolescents to health is associated with the need of society for healthy, health-oriented students. Despite the considerable potential accumulated in domestic and foreign pedagogy in the field of theory and practice of introducing adolescents to health, an integral system of forming the value attitude of adolescents to health in the conditions of the educational process of the school needs to be created. As the analysis of scientific literature shows, at the moment there are no works that reveal the essence and content of the formation of the value attitude of adolescents to health based on the theory and technology of pedagogical stimulation in the conditions of the educational process of the school. Thus, there was a contradiction between the need to form a value attitude of adolescents to health and the lack of development of technology to solve this problem by means of pedagogical stimulation in pedagogical theory and practice. The purpose of the article is to reveal the technology of forming the value attitude of adolescents to health by means of pedagogical stimulation. Materials and methods of research. The theoretical basis of the study was the concept of pedagogical stimulation. The research methods used are the analysis of pedagogical theory and practice on the problem under study; observation of the activities and interaction of students and teachers in the process of pedagogical stimulation of adolescents, pedagogical experiment, questionnaires, methods of statistical data processing. The typology of adolescents in relation to health is substantiated: “inert”, “utilitarian realists”, “health-oriented”, “skeptics” and unacceptable, critical, permissible, optimal levels of formation of a value attitude to health; complexes of stimuli are defined, including leading and auxiliary stimuli in relation to representatives of typological groups of students; methodological instrumentation of the implementation of incentive complexes of adolescents’ value attitude to health. The article reveals the stages of implementation of the technology of forming the value attitude of adolescents to health by means of pedagogical stimulation; the results of the technology application are presented. In conclusion, it is concluded that the incentive of personal importance of health should be leading in the sum of other moral motivators.
Keywords: value attitude, adolescents, health, technology, means of pedagogical stimulation, the educational process of the school
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 44 — 53
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