Inclusive educational environment of the university as a necessary condition for successful socialization of students with disabilities
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-54-63
Obtaining higher education is an important stage of human socialization. The aim of universities is to create such an educational environment that will allow all students, regardless of their educational needs and individual capabilities, to successfully solve the tasks of the corresponding stage of socialization. Equal access to education for all students, regardless of their diverse special educational needs and individual capabilities, including students with disabilities and disabilities, is designed to ensure inclusive education. Currently, higher education at Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University is received by persons 17 years and older, among whom there are students with disabilities, gifted students, representatives of different nationalities, cultures, countries and confessions, students from large and small cities of the world, near and remote settlements. All this actualizes the problem of creating an optimal inclusive educational environment at the university. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University is actively working to create an inclusive educational environment, which is designed to promote the successful socialization of all students studying at the university. Inclusive educational environment is considered by us as a set of resources (means, external and internal conditions) that ensure the realization of the right of every person to education, including training, upbringing and personal development, and is designed on the basis of such principles as safety, saturation, accessibility, etc. The structure of the inclusive educational environment of Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University includes spatial-subject, organizational, technological, informational and social components. Each component has its own content. A special place in this structure is assigned to the Center for Inclusive Education. The Center for Inclusive Education, created at the University and designed to provide horizontal links between departments in matters of inclusive education, helps to eliminate inconsistencies in the actions of departments at the same level of hierarchy, which is generated by the strict hierarchy of the university’s Management model. The creation of an inclusive educational environment of the University is carried out in various directions, among which it is possible to highlight the improvement of the local regulatory framework, material and technical equipment, scientific, informational and personnel support for inclusive education, increasing the architectural accessibility of the university infrastructure facilities for students with disabilities, improving the quality of education received by students with disabilities. Modeling of the inclusive educational environment of the university is carried out by all participants of the educational process: administrative staff, teaching staff and students themselves, with the active participation of public organizations. Systematic monitoring of difficulties encountered by students, including students with disabilities in the process of admission and study at the University, allows you to determine the steps to overcome them. Currently, work continues to improve the inclusive educational environment of the university.
Keywords: students, students with disabilities, inclusive educational environment of the university, components of inclusive educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 54 — 63
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